

This is a list of British-English homophones. See the explanation page for details of the inclusion criteria.
  1. accessary, accessory
  2. ad, add
  3. ail, ale
  4. air, heir
  5. aisle, I'll, isle
  6. all, awl
  7. allowed, aloud
  8. alms, arms
  9. altar, alter
  10. arc, ark
  11. aren't, aunt
  12. ate, eight
  13. auger, augur
  14. auk, orc
  15. aural, oral
  16. away, aweigh
  17. awe, oar, or, ore
  18. axel, axle
  19. aye, eye, I
  20. bail, bale
  21. bait, bate
  22. baize, bays
  23. bald, bawled
  24. ball, bawl
  25. band, banned
  26. bard, barred
  27. bare, bear
  28. bark, barque
  29. baron, barren
  30. base, bass
  31. bay, bey
  32. bazaar, bizarre
  33. be, bee
  34. beach, beech
  35. bean, been
  36. beat, beet
  37. beau, bow
  38. beer, bier
  39. bel, bell, belle
  40. berry, bury
  41. berth, birth
  42. bight, bite, byte
  43. billed, build
  44. bitten, bittern
  45. blew, blue
  46. bloc, block
  47. boar, bore
  48. board, bored
  49. boarder, border
  50. bold, bowled
  51. boos, booze
  52. born, borne
  53. bough, bow
  54. boy, buoy
  55. brae, bray
  56. braid, brayed
  57. braise, brays, braze
  58. brake, break
  59. bread, bred
  60. brews, bruise
  61. bridal, bridle
  62. broach, brooch
  63. bur, burr
  64. but, butt
  65. buy, by, bye
  66. buyer, byre
  67. calendar, calender
  68. call, caul
  69. canvas, canvass
  70. cast, caste
  71. caster, castor
  72. caught, court
  73. caw, core, corps
  74. cede, seed
  75. ceiling, sealing
  76. cell, sell
  77. censer, censor, sensor
  78. cent, scent, sent
  79. cereal, serial
  80. cheap, cheep
  81. check, cheque
  82. choir, quire
  83. chord, cord
  84. cite, sight, site
  85. clack, claque
  86. clew, clue
  87. climb, clime
  88. close, cloze
  89. coal, kohl
  90. coarse, course
  91. coign, coin
  92. colonel, kernel
  93. complacent, complaisant
  94. complement, compliment
  95. coo, coup
  96. cops, copse
  97. council, counsel
  98. cousin, cozen
  99. creak, creek
  100. crews, cruise
  101. cue, kyu, queue
  102. curb, kerb
  103. currant, current
  104. cymbol, symbol
  105. dam, damn
  106. days, daze
  107. dear, deer
  108. descent, dissent
  109. desert, dessert
  110. deviser, divisor
  1. dew, due
  2. die, dye
  3. discreet, discrete
  4. doe, doh, dough
  5. done, dun
  6. douse, dowse
  7. draft, draught
  8. dual, duel
  9. earn, urn
  10. eery, eyrie
  11. ewe, yew, you
  12. faint, feint
  13. fah, far
  14. fair, fare
  15. farther, father
  16. fate, fête
  17. faun, fawn
  18. fay, fey
  19. faze, phase
  20. feat, feet
  21. ferrule, ferule
  22. few, phew
  23. fie, phi
  24. file, phial
  25. find, fined
  26. fir, fur
  27. fizz, phiz
  28. flair, flare
  29. flaw, floor
  30. flea, flee
  31. flex, flecks
  32. flew, flu, flue
  33. floe, flow
  34. flour, flower
  35. foaled, fold
  36. for, fore, four
  37. foreword, forward
  38. fort, fought
  39. forth, fourth
  40. foul, fowl
  41. franc, frank
  42. freeze, frieze
  43. friar, fryer
  44. furs, furze
  45. gait, gate
  46. galipot, gallipot
  47. gallop, galop
  48. gamble, gambol
  49. gays, gaze
  50. genes, jeans
  51. gild, guild
  52. gilt, guilt
  53. giro, gyro
  54. gnaw, nor
  55. gneiss, nice
  56. gorilla, guerilla
  57. grate, great
  58. greave, grieve
  59. greys, graze
  60. grisly, grizzly
  61. groan, grown
  62. guessed, guest
  63. hail, hale
  64. hair, hare
  65. hall, haul
  66. hangar, hanger
  67. hart, heart
  68. haw, hoar, whore
  69. hay, hey
  70. heal, heel, he'll
  71. hear, here
  72. heard, herd
  73. he'd, heed
  74. heroin, heroine
  75. hew, hue
  76. hi, high
  77. higher, hire
  78. him, hymn
  79. ho, hoe
  80. hoard, horde
  81. hoarse, horse
  82. holey, holy, wholly
  83. hour, our
  84. idle, idol
  85. in, inn
  86. indict, indite
  87. it's, its
  88. jewel, joule
  89. key, quay
  90. knave, nave
  91. knead, need
  92. knew, new
  93. knight, night
  94. knit, nit
  95. knob, nob
  96. knock, nock
  97. knot, not
  98. know, no
  99. knows, nose
  100. laager, lager
  101. lac, lack
  102. lade, laid
  103. lain, lane
  104. lam, lamb
  105. laps, lapse
  106. larva, lava
  107. lase, laze
  108. law, lore
  109. lay, ley
  110. lea, lee
  1. leach, leech
  2. lead, led
  3. leak, leek
  4. lean, lien
  5. lessen, lesson
  6. levee, levy
  7. liar, lyre
  8. licence, license
  9. licker, liquor
  10. lie, lye
  11. lieu, loo
  12. links, lynx
  13. lo, low
  14. load, lode
  15. loan, lone
  16. locks, lox
  17. loop, loupe
  18. loot, lute
  19. made, maid
  20. mail, male
  21. main, mane
  22. maize, maze
  23. mall, maul
  24. manna, manner
  25. mantel, mantle
  26. mare, mayor
  27. mark, marque
  28. marshal, martial
  29. marten, martin
  30. mask, masque
  31. maw, more
  32. me, mi
  33. mean, mien
  34. meat, meet, mete
  35. medal, meddle
  36. metal, mettle
  37. meter, metre
  38. might, mite
  39. miner, minor, mynah
  40. mind, mined
  41. missed, mist
  42. moat, mote
  43. mode, mowed
  44. moor, more
  45. moose, mousse
  46. morning, mourning
  47. muscle, mussel
  48. naval, navel
  49. nay, neigh
  50. nigh, nye
  51. none, nun
  52. od, odd
  53. ode, owed
  54. oh, owe
  55. one, won
  56. packed, pact
  57. packs, pax
  58. pail, pale
  59. pain, pane
  60. pair, pare, pear
  61. palate, palette, pallet
  62. pascal, paschal
  63. paten, patten, pattern
  64. pause, paws, pores, pours
  65. pawn, porn
  66. pea, pee
  67. peace, piece
  68. peak, peek, peke, pique
  69. peal, peel
  70. pearl, purl
  71. pedal, peddle
  72. peer, pier
  73. pi, pie
  74. pica, pika
  75. place, plaice
  76. plain, plane
  77. pleas, please
  78. plum, plumb
  79. pole, poll
  80. poof, pouffe
  81. practice, practise
  82. praise, prays, preys
  83. principal, principle
  84. profit, prophet
  85. quarts, quartz
  86. quean, queen
  87. rain, reign, rein
  88. raise, rays, raze
  89. rap, wrap
  90. raw, roar
  91. read, reed
  92. read, red
  93. real, reel
  94. reek, wreak
  95. rest, wrest
  96. retch, wretch
  97. review, revue
  98. rheum, room
  99. right, rite, wright, write
  100. ring, wring
  101. road, rode
  102. roe, row
  103. role, roll
  104. roo, roux, rue
  105. rood, rude
  106. root, route
  107. rose, rows
  108. rota, rotor
  109. rote, wrote
  110. rough, ruff
  1. rouse, rows
  2. rung, wrung
  3. rye, wry
  4. saver, savour
  5. spade, spayed
  6. sale, sail
  7. sane, seine
  8. satire, satyr
  9. sauce, source
  10. saw, soar, sore
  11. scene, seen
  12. scull, skull
  13. sea, see
  14. seam, seem
  15. sear, seer, sere
  16. seas, sees, seize
  17. sew, so, sow
  18. shake, sheikh
  19. shear, sheer
  20. shoe, shoo
  21. sic, sick
  22. side, sighed
  23. sign, sine
  24. sink, synch
  25. slay, sleigh
  26. sloe, slow
  27. sole, soul
  28. some, sum
  29. son, sun
  30. sort, sought
  31. spa, spar
  32. staid, stayed
  33. stair, stare
  34. stake, steak
  35. stalk, stork
  36. stationary, stationery
  37. steal, steel
  38. stile, style
  39. storey, story
  40. straight, strait
  41. sweet, suite
  42. swat, swot
  43. tacks, tax
  44. tale, tail
  45. talk, torque
  46. tare, tear
  47. taught, taut, tort
  48. te, tea, tee
  49. team, teem
  50. tear, tier
  51. teas, tease
  52. terce, terse
  53. tern, turn
  54. there, their, they're
  55. threw, through
  56. throes, throws
  57. throne, thrown
  58. thyme, time
  59. tic, tick
  60. tide, tied
  61. tire, tyre
  62. to, too, two
  63. toad, toed, towed
  64. told, tolled
  65. tole, toll
  66. ton, tun
  67. tor, tore
  68. tough, tuff
  69. troop, troupe
  70. tuba, tuber
  71. vain, vane, vein
  72. vale, veil
  73. vial, vile
  74. wail, wale, whale
  75. wain, wane
  76. waist, waste
  77. wait, weight
  78. waive, wave
  79. wall, waul
  80. war, wore
  81. ware, wear, where
  82. warn, worn
  83. wart, wort
  84. watt, what
  85. wax, whacks
  86. way, weigh, whey
  87. we, wee, whee
  88. weak, week
  89. we'd, weed
  90. weal, we'll, wheel
  91. wean, ween
  92. weather, whether
  93. weaver, weever
  94. weir, we're
  95. were, whirr
  96. wet, whet
  97. wheald, wheeled
  98. which, witch
  99. whig, wig
  100. while, wile
  101. whine, wine
  102. whirl, whorl
  103. whirled, world
  104. whit, wit
  105. white, wight
  106. who's, whose
  107. woe, whoa
  108. wood, would
  109. yaw, yore, your, you're
  110. yoke, yolk
  111. you'll, yule

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