Repeat Sentence

Write from Dictation:
1. This has been a major source of confusion for academics.
2. None of the alternatives is satisfactory.
3. The aim of the course is to provide a broad theoretical basis.
4. Has all the evidence been properly examined?

1. The field of social history has always been difficult to define.
2. All essays must be accompanied by a list of references.
3. Authoritarian regimes were more common in the past than they are today.
4. The new law was harder to impose than the government thought.

1. Like humans, owls can see in three dimensions.
2. Modern art now does better than stocks as an investment.
3. Commercial necessity was the reason given for the decision.
4. Grants are available to those in financial difficulty.

1. The course is intended primarily for non-science majors.
2. Many of the world's lakes are remnants of ancient glaciers.
3. Repetitive stress injuries account for nearly two-thirds of all workplace illnesses.
4. Evidence suggests that the human brain changes shape in response to the way it is used.

1. Hundreds of scientific papers have been published on global warming.
2. Political power only disappears when this stage has been completed.
3. Social networks are changing the way we communicate.
4. The cotton industry purchased all its raw cotton from abroad.

1. one way to think about voltage is to imagine it as the pressure that pushes charges along a conductor.
2. The electrical resistance of a conductor would then be a measure of the difficulty of pushing those charges along.
3. Now, if we use an analogy of water flowing in a pipe, a long narrow pipe resists flow more than a short fat one
does- a long narrow one has more resistance.
4. Currents work in the same way long thin wires have more, resistance than do short thick wires.
5. Conversely, Short fat wires have less resistance.

PTE Test Builder:  Test 1
1. Please come to the next seminar properly prepared.
2. You'll find the economic section on the second floor of the library.
3. Next time, we'll discuss the influence of media on public policy.
4. There is plenty of cheap accommodation off-campus.
5. The lecture on child psychology has been postponed until Friday.
6. The meeting will take place in the main auditorium.
7. You must establish a day and a time with your tutor.
8. There will be no extensions given for the project.
9. New timetables will be posted on the student noticeboard.
10. All students are encouraged to vote in the forthcoming elections.

PTE Test Builder: Test 2
1. The Arts Magazine is looking for a new Assistant Editor.
2. The lecture will deal with the influence of technology on music.
3. Make sure you correctly cite all your sources.
4. There are hundreds of clubs and societies to choose from.
5. Does the college refectory offer vegetarian dishes on a daily basis?
6. All essays and seminar papers submitted must be emailed to your tutor.
7. He was not the only one to call for legal reform in the 16th century.
8. The Drama society is now auditioning for parts in student play.
9. There is a position available for a Junior Lecturer in Media Studies.
10. There will be significant rise in the tuition fees starting next year.

PTE Test Builder: Test 3
1. You will be informed of the results by e-mail.
2. Please have copies of your seminar papers in the library a week in advance.
3. Most students are not eligible to claim housing benefits.
4. If you want to quit the student union, tell the registrar.
5. Does the university have an ice-hockey team?
6. Without doubt, his primary motive was economic.
7. The modern approach to the problem is to stress the symbolic side of human nature.
8. Many privately-owned firms have been eaten up by larger corporations.
9. I'm afraid Professor Jones doesn't suffer fools gladly.
10. Most of these criticisms can be shown to be false.

PTE Test Builder: Test 4
1. You are not permitted to take reference books out of the library.
2. The seminar will now take place a week on Tuesday.
3. You don't have to be on Professor Smith’s course to attend this lecture.
4. The library will be closed for three days over the bank holiday weekend.
5. I think we should get together over the weekend to discuss this assignment.
6. There's an hourly bus service from the campus into town.
7. This is the third time you've asked for an extension on this project.
8. They say Professor Jones's lectures are always interesting and funny.
9. Being a student representative on the union really cuts into my study time.
10. I've got a tutorial in an hour and I haven't had any time to prepare for it.

PTE SPEAKING - Repeat Sentence Practice 1

1. The lecture was anything but boring.
2. You see, I'm relocating to the United States next month.
3. How many issues are on the agenda this morning?
4. Do you want any help with an after-packing clean-up?
5. Please print the page or write down the booking reference number.
6. Yes, I need my dishes and things where I can find them quickly.
7. China is undergoing rapid economic growth.
8. The quick population of the new city is astounding.
9. How are you two doing with the assignment?
10. I couldn't help noticing the new CD player you're carrying.

PTE SPEAKING - Repeat Sentence Practice 2

1. Her shortened life was clearly the result of smoking.
2. Biochemistry is more than just a combination of biology and chemistry.
3. He will try to jump across the river.
4. For 20 years, I have worked as an instructor and a professor in biochemistry and biophysics at Oregon State University.
5. This is a villa tic business hotel with accommodation, conference, and entertainment facilities.
6. Today we will take a look at the Asset Management industry.
7. I was elbowed off my computer by my teacher.
8. How will this pervasive internet access affect our daily lives?
9. Our goal is to understand how it functions.
10. I thought I would begin with a quote from one of the most famous economists of all time.

Repeat Sentence Practice 3:
1. She hadn't known he was such a good cook.
2. Cells are the smallest units of an organism.
3. They just both happened to happen around the same time.
4. I hope you all have a good trip.
5. You should add the remaining laptops into the pile over there.
6. I strongly urge you, however, to join us at the formal lunch.
7. The monkey is climbing along the branch of a tree.
8. Some organisms such as plants that are photoautotrophic, meaning they capture sunlight for energy.
9. If you get lost, there are signs in the foyer.
10. Books cannot ever teach the use of books.

PTE SPEAKING - Repeat Sentence Practice 4

1. The hotel had poor quality of service.
2. Here, fill out your name and address, and let me ask you a few questions.
3. He grasped the words of his tutor and modified his thesis.
4. I went into the library this afternoon to have a look at a newspaper.
5. You don't want to miss your big plane on the big day, right.
6. The two phenomena are in fact intimately related.
7. The turning point in our company came with the successful takeover.
8. well, let me give you some of the basic information first.
9. Studying science should begin with physics, not biology.
10. The construction of each aircraft is the result of collaboration between France, Germany, Britain and Spain.

PTE SPEAKING - Repeat Sentence Practice 5
1. I’ve never heard anything like it before.
2. I mean, there are more prestigious assignments.
3. He was also one of the greatest thinkers in the history of economics.
4. Today we want to acknowledge the hard work and significant contributions which you have made.
5. This has been a most moving experience.
6. You can book a guided tour for your school group any time that we're open.
7. It’s just biology, but humans struggle to give it meaning.
8. Like we say, the only things we break are speed records getting you moved.
9. Private tutors can cost more than private school tuition.
10. We do it there because our entrance is quite small.

PTE SPEAKING - Repeat Sentence Practice Test 6
1. But please try not to call me too often there.
2. We return back to the hotel for tea at 4pm.
3. He predicted that national economies would become hugely richer.
4. In this biology class, we are going to talk about fatty acids.
5. Would it be possible to put my furniture in storage here for a month?
6. It was an assignment, not an agreement.
7. In fact, in terms of actual cost, almost half of the aircraft is made in the USA.
8. They do have genetic material but it's not contained within a nucleus.
9. Here, fill out your name and address, and let me ask you a few questions.
10. Anyway, we can decide when we get there.

PTE SPEAKING - Repeat Sentence Practice Test 7

1. He was a hard working student and very close to his mother.
2. The hotel was set down at the bottom of the valley.
3. This allows 15 minutes to get on and off the coach.
4. I do have an antique tea kettle my great-grand-mother gave me mother.
5. I tackled my assignments with vigor.
6. We could arrange for you to come for an interview.
7. There are two broad categories of cells.
8. There breakthrough technology is synthetic biology.
9. Well, for this particular job we want a clear voice.
10. You know, her tutors say she has exceptional talents.

PTE SPEAKING - Repeat Sentence Practice Test 8

1. He affiliated the orphan and sent him to school.
2. Maybe it only has something to do with the local environment.
3. The thermometer on the front porch read minus 40 degrees.
4. The children were trying the teacher's patience.
5. They should not bring anything to eat into the museum, or drinks of any kind.
6. His theory about management has not been applied in the field yet.
7. We also offer extra pay for working on national holidays.
8. Nearly half the science departments had deficiencies in equipment.
9. I don't like to be interrupted in the middle of the lecture.
10. You things will always be there when you look for them.

PTE SPEAKING - Repeat Sentence Practice Test 9
1. He wanted to understand the money system.
2. Of course, they will need to bring something to write.
3. I am using it as a main reason for choosing one hotel over another.
4. The school grounds extend over seven acres.
5. We are also influenced by our nonverbal, our thought and our feelings and our physiology.
6. These pictures were all painted by children.
7. The nearest one would probably be just beside the library.
8. He tried to explain the directional trends of modern science.
9. why do we carry on with this approach that doesn't seem to be working.
10. The college has decided to build a new lecture hall.

PTE SPEAKING - Repeat Sentence Practice Test 10
1. We're going to come back to that in a few minutes.
2. Almost everything we think we know about addiction is wrong.
3. He told me it was the most important assignment of all.
4. Well you are right about the first point.
5. Train travel is one and a half times faster than travel by car.
6. If you want to eat there, you'll need to reserve some seating.
7. The Nobel Prize has become the tiptop glory of science.
8. Different people's worldviews can be dramatically different.
9. Who does the cooking in your house when your wife is working?
10. This week we're discussing the growth of cities in the twenty first century.

PTE SPEAKING - Repeat Sentence Practice Test 11
1. It wasn't until I got to the airport check-in counter.
2. They have organelles which include the nucleus and other special parts.
3. When finish school, I'll move to Europe.
4. After all that thinking, talking, and listening, i expect everyone will be a bit weary.
5. Your mind is stemming with ideas and not just randomly.
6. Many Tokyo residents would say that the city's transport problems have not been solved.
7. I'm not talking about the kind of technology.
8. Meat must be heated thoroughly during cooking.
9. We do that for a small additional charge.
10. I can see we're going to have to go without food for the rest of the week.

PTE SPEAKING - Repeat Sentence Practice Test 12
1. This sounds like common sense, and it is.
2. I left the grammar book in my locker at school.
3. We feel it's pretty good and we also offer some good fringe benefits.
4. We are going to talk about alcohol -and more to the point -alcohol abuse.
5. We have the advantage of technology and science.
6. Whatever you believe about why ocean tides exist is probably wrong.
7. His talk promises to be both stimulating and informative.
8. More people now live in cities than in than in the countryside.
9. The hotel was located in the heavenly place.
10. He gave many lectures to the institute, principally on botany.

PTE SPEAKING - Repeat Sentence Practice Test 13
1. When could you come in for an interview?
2. Is there a better way out there that we could try instead?
3. When he got home at night, he'd tutor me for two hours.
4. Thanks for coming along to the studio today.
5. I know little bit about how the brain performs under stress.
6. There was a television in one corner of the room.
7. I don't just mean they're feeling the same emotions.
8. According to the schedule, the first lecture begins at 9 o'clock.
9. A million accident and emergency admissions each year are a direct result of alcohol consumption.
10. If you open an account you get lots more special offers.

PTE SPEAKING - Repeat Sentence Practice Test 14

1. You may be asking to yourself that very question.
2. Our lifestyle has changed a lot, starting from birth.
3. The shop will be open from 9 am this Saturday.
4. In fact, engineering science is an extremely abstract and theoretical science.
5. My contention is that creativity now is as important in education as literacy.
6. How is your daughter doing in her new school?
7. There are two cafes in the museum, with two seating for 80 people.
8. Tokyo is a good model for our future mega cities to aspire to.
9. For today's lecture, the teacher divided the students into two groups.
10. We need to expose our children to germs.



1.You need not see him; send an email today itself.
2. There is a special emphasis on research and development of high technologies.
3. Science is the knowledge of certain phenomenon found under certaion conditions.
4. Humans are explorers and as explorers we like to map our discoveries.
5. If their aspirations are not achieved, they become gloomy.
6. New problems can only by solved by thinking and reaching beyond narrow disciplines.
7. Natural selection is a very complex phenomenon and has baffled the smartest of brains.
8. I am quite confident of my success as I have been working hard.
9. Respect from others entails recognition, acceptance, status and appreciation.
10. Role models may prove to be inspirational when their success seems attainable.
11. Unscrupulous warmongers would like to use nuclear technology to their own advantage.
12. The USA, presently, is the biggest contributor to global warming.
13. Tradable efficiency is a smart way to lead us towards economic and environment security.
14. The role of heterodoxy in the development of science and philosophy is indispensable.
15. Scepticism can be largely attributed to the fructification of science and mathematics.
16. wheather our inference is based on perception or facts, it requires a proper justification.
17. The clearing and the asking of doubts is always a two-way process.
18. A person that is well informed, flexible and quick to adapt, wins.
19. Managers need skills to comprehend the ever-changing situations.


18: Sleep is the very active area of research.
19. We do a lot less more exercise than our ancestors did.
20. Style is very important in the design of buildings.
21. Scienticest still aren't sure why why we need to sleep.
22. The Biggest health problems in many places is lack of exercise.
23. There must have been some ingenius architect in the past.
24. We know that sleep is essential for a normal life.
25. In some countries sporting activities are compulsory even for university students.
26. Despite the engineering diffilculties the buliding contineus to get taller and taller.
27. Lack of sleep can lead to changes in behaviour.
28. Market research surveys may be given by telephone, the internet or in person.
29. Often the point of advertisements is to raise awareness rather than give information.
30. It is normal to wake up several times each night.
31. Advertisements have to appeal to people of different ages, socio-economic groups and sexes.
32. To develop leadership skills experience is very important.
33. Some species of birds can sleep while they are flying.
24.  Adverts might use humour, drama or  catchy slogans to draw people attention.
25. Becoming a great leader is impossilbe without enthusiasm.
26. Having a showr before going to bed can help you sleep.
27. Marketing involves many activities including doing research, developing products and promoting them.
28. Sometimes ads promote a brand rather than a particular products.
29. The amount of sleep that adults need doesn't change as they get older.
39. Basically marketing is about making people want to buy.
40. In most cases quality products don't need much advertising.
41. Introvert as well as extroverts can be inspiring managers.
43. Communication skills can be tought to anyone willing to learn.
44. Usually but not always reviews provide an unbiased source of information.
45. Even during the leisure time you can hear attempts to persuade or influence.
46. Farmers in asia will need to produce more rice inorder to feed the increasing population.
47. We would use his brushes in new and interesting ways.
48. Suprisingly some people actually enjoys watching atvertisement on television.
49. Nowadays persuation is an important area of research within social psychology.
50. In the art galleries main hall there is a nice sculpture carved from stone.
51. Advertisements are all around us wherever we go whatever we do.
52. Politicians and Marketing professionals have a good understaning of persuations
53. Robotics is the science of developing robots.
54. Advertisements can occurs in an unusual places even in the sea or in the sky.
55. Robots are common in industry.
56. Some survey show only subtle differences in happiness between people.
57. Generally, consumers trust friends more than commercial information such as advertisents.
58. An understanding of persuasive technique should help you recognise their use.
59. Most people dislike advertisements but appeared to be influenced by them anyway.


1. Luxurious environment often results in over indulgence.
2. Education is a fostering, a nurturing, and a cultivating process.
3. "Environment" denotes something more than the surroundings we are encompassed in.
4. Life signifies not bare passive existence, but a way of acting.
5. There is nothing static and repetitive about tradition.
6.Biotechnology and robotics are coming together to transform healthcare.
7. A man living alone would have little or no occasion to extract life's meaning.
8. Each individual life has a beauty in its uniqueness.
9. What must be challenged is the prevalent belief that education is some sort of "natural right".
10. Almost every representative of a new idea has to struggle and suffer under similar difficulties.
11. Ideas are useful for attracting and retaining clever recruits.
12. Establishing and retaining intellectual leadership clearly takes strong management skills.
13. I must see him before he flies out to London for about a week.
14. The recent technical advances have not only been big, they have also been fast.
15. Very little of the work of today's knowledge firm is repetative or mechanical.
16. The interaction of climate change and soil degradation will probably aggravate conditions.

1. Some of the questions that scholars ask seem to the world to be scarcely worth asking.
2. Wherever the biological sciences are studied, Darwin's 'Origin of Species' lights the path.
3. Values chage both meaning and intensity where our interest is involved.
4. Instead of being judgmental, we would be proactive and objective in our behaviour.
5. The sub-concious mind and the environment are the determinants of the conscious mind.
6. Psychologists like to dip into the fascinations of the yet unknown.
7. All of us should abide by the laws of the country.
8. This is indeed human psychology; The bond of compassion evolves out of shared pain.
9. Reputation is important for success even during failure.
10.The lines of earthquakes are elongated in the directions paralled to faults.
11. Only by free election can parliament remove the grounds of dissatisfaction.


1. Difference in happiness between gender is quite small on average.
2. Carnivorous dinosaurs like modern day sharks had serrated teeth.
3. People get product information from advertisements, friends family and product reviews.
4. Parents tries to influence their children by using toys and other incentives.
5. Much can be learned about the dinasaur from the fossil records.
6. He was an abstract expressionist painter.
7. Some methods of power generation are sustainable.
8. The artist used an apartment as his studio
9. A dental problem have even been discovered in dinasaur teeth.
10. Wind power is now more acceptable now than a decade ago.
11. The artist early work was a goodbye.
12. She had a great exhibition last year.
13. There are many abstract paintings here.
14. Some island nations in the pasific  will become uninhibitable before long.
15. He has a good collection of art.
16. A course in art will stimulate creativity.
17. The gallery has shown many chinese painting.
18. Few people now are skeptical about alternative power sources such as wind power.
19. Early next year there is a major auction of his work.
20. He Studied for many years with an expert painter.
21. More sustainable energy generation is needed.
22. It was the dinosaour that interested  people the most.
23. This short line on the painting represents life.
24. Many species HAVE yet to be described by biologist.
25. He would yell if he was interrupted while painting.
26. There are many good methods that can be used.
27. Even now some people remain unconcerned by the signs of climate change.
28. Lack of sleep can lead to changes in behaviour.
29. It might rain later today according to the weather forecast.
30. The painter is well known for his abstract period.
31. He is a scientist of great ability.
32. He is showing his work at the london gallery of art.
33. People tend to be least happy in the middle age.
34. The painter of these pictures is a very good man.
35. would you like to come to the gallery with me.
36. Perhaps suprisingly, the retired people tend to be pretty happy.
37. he has shown his interest in exciting new art movements.
38. The artist is exhibiting at the national art gallery next year.
39. Artificial intelligence is useful for robots.
40. Is she in the library or in the laboratory.
41. With current technology we cannot as yet make this machine.
42. Many people are interested in travelling into space.
43. This is a lot of sugar in many fast foods.
44. People who carry on eating junk food is carrying negative health consequences.
45. Interesting some military robots can work effectively  in all temperatures.
46. Some people suggest to levy on junk food to discourage its consumption.
47. Industry and Government both fund the robotics research.
48. This may soon prove fruitfull.
49. There are ongoing problems with overconsumption of junk foods.
50. I am optimistic about the future of space flight.
51. Rather I would work the first day but not the next day.
52. I think space travel will become more afordable within the next century.
53. All too often people overeat without realising it.
54. We think robots acts are just like a human.
55. Nanorobots could enter the body and work from the inside to repair damaged parts.
56. It needs enormous amounts of energy to send anything to space.
57. The use of robots is increasing.
58. Nanorobotics is the emerging field of building tiny machines whose dimension are measured in nanometeres.
59. By agreement with the goverment the fast food company restricted its advertising.
60. Academics need to go outside the University gates and communicate with ordinary people.
61. The media is at blame for excessive promotion of unhealthy food.
62. If you study nutrition you will look at various aspects  science.
63. The nutrition course involves both practical and theoritical study.
64. During your course you will learn from expert  with a number different specializaions within this subjects.
65. Graduates from this program get a very high satisfaction rating.
66. Course participatent report that interest in the subject was the main reason for choosing the course.
67. This university has a wide range of facilities.
68. Rather unfortunately  ads sometimes give misleading information rather than informing.
69. Basicly marketing is about making people want to buy.


1.When it hit the Rockies, it dropped more than a foot of rain in places like Boulder.
2.As much as the city sees in an entire year.
3.The rain unleashed deadly floods and landslides that swept away roads and buildings.
4.Professor Smith will be late for today's lecture.
5.The circulation desk is located on the ground floor.
6.Toutorials are held for every two hours thursday during semester.
7.She saw a unique opportunity to put hard numbers on what went where?
8. The team compared detailed maps of the landscape and the lakebed before and after the strom.
9. A volume that would normally take upto hundred and fifty years to erode.
10. The rest of the material was deposited partway down the catchment.
11. The resource are provided  as links on the home page.
12. Semester one ends in last week of november.
13. Please hand in your assignments before three o' clock.
14. That will cause ongoing headaches for dam mamagers.
15. The findings in on the journal geology.
16. Mostly preferring to engage in their own kitty business.
17. Students must hand in their assignments by friday.
18. Most students in last year's course did well in this module.
19. But that assumption may be littered with error.
20. Fluffy would probably pick you over her favorite toy or treat.
21. Scientists have analyzed what dogs like.
22. And stuck each in a room with a set of several items.
23. Kitties got to spend time with objects in four different categories.
24. Dr. Brown office has moved to level two.
25. First skim the exam paper then read it carefully.
26. Followed next by food, then toys, then scent.
27. Fully half the cats preferred spending time with people.
28. By refusing to interact with anything or anyone at all.
29. You might offer your attention as a reward.
30. This research is relevent especially in an applied setting.
31. And then that item could be used in training purposes.
32. The program was thus called 25 by 25 initiative.
33. And it identified various health risk factors.
34. Such as smoking, high blood pressure,  diabetes and a sedentary lifestyle.
35. As a possible driver of no communicable illness.
36. They pored over data from 48 previoulsy published studies.
37. That included socialeconomic information.
38. From seven high income  countries in the WHO.
39. Being poor was more dangerous then being obesity or high alcohol intake.
40. Results were reported in terms of years of life lost.
41. Being acurrent smoker was associated with 4.8 years of lost life.
42. And physical inactivity with 2.4 years.
43. High blood pressure only accounted for  1.6 year of loss.
44. Because if you do he might take revenge on family and friends.
45. Which shows that monkeys track of each's other' associated.
46. And make use of that intel when it comes time for payback.
47. The findings are in the Royal society journal open science.
48. The researchers decided to focus on episode of aggression.
49. They went through more than 500 hours of video recordings.
50. Monkeys whose genealogical ties are well known.

Describe the Image: 


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