Wren and Martin

The following nouns take the preposition for after them. Use them in sentences
affection  act of affecting, state of being affected, feeling of love or strong attachment. 
ambition  Eager or inordinate desire for some object that confers distinction, as preferment, honor superiority, plitical power, or literary fame;
Desire to distinguish one's self from other people. 
anxiety An unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension and obsession or concern about some uncertain event.
apology An expression of remorse or regred for having said or done something that harmed another,
The CEO made a public apology for the scandal, and promised full cooperation with the authorities. 
appetite desire of  or relish for food, any strong desire; a taste , preference 
aptitude Natural ability to aquire knowledge or skill; The condistion of being suitable.
blame To bring into disrepute, To assert or consider that someone is the cause of something negative;
candidate A person who is running in an election; A person who is applying to a position for a job; a participant in an examination;
capacity  The ability to hold, receive or absorb; the ability to perform some task; the maximum that can be produced; the position in which one function;
compassion deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it;
compensation that which constitutes, or is regarded as, an equivalent, recompense or reward for some loss or service.
contempt a feeling or attitude; a state of being despised or dishonored; open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority
craving A strong desire, yearning
desire something wished for; strong attraction; feeling of desire
esteem  To set a high value, to regard with respect; to regard as valuable
fitness cultivation of an attractive and healthy physiqe; ablity to perform 
fondness The quality of being fond( have affection for) 
guarantee anything that asures a certain outcome; written decleartion; person who gives such a guarantee;
leisure free time, time free from work or duties
liking like
match  sporting event, attribute equaling or exceeding; to agree; to equal; make a successful pairing; equal or exceed in achievement; 
motive To cause to commit a crime; music: theme or subject; to prompt or incite; relating to motion and/or to its cause
need derived terms; something required; loack of means of subsistence
opportunity  chance for advancement, progress or profit; favorable circumstance or occasion
partiality  to a partial degree or extent; incompletely 
passion  any great, strong, powerful emotion, especially romantic love or hate;
pity  A feeling of sympathy at the misfortune or suffering of someone or something; something regrettable
predilection  condition of favoring or liking; tendency towards; proclivity; predisposition
pretext  A false, contrived, or assumed purpose or reason; a pretense
relish  pleasing taste; savor; quality; characteristic tinge; fondness;
remorse A feeling of regret or sadness for doing wrong or sinning
reputation  What somebody is known for
surety  certainty; promise to pay on behalf of another; one who undertakes such promise
The following nouns take the preposition with after them. Use them in sentences:-
Acquaintance, alliance, bargain, comparison, conformity, enmity, intercourse, intimacy,relations
acquaintance to furnish or give experimental knowledge of, to communicate notice to; to familiarize; to accustom
alliance state of being allied; persons or parties allied; treaty between nations; unition resembling that of families or states
bargain agreement or contract concerning sale of property; agreement or stipulation; mutual pledge; item bought at low price; thing stipulated or purchased;
comparison evaluation of the similarities and differences of two or more things; 
conformity state of things being similar, or identical; state of being conforming, of complying with a set of rules, with a norm or standard
enmity The quality of being an enemy; hostile or unfriedly disposition
intercourse communication, conversation; dealing with people, including commerce and trade; sexual intercourse
intimacy feeling of closeness and openness towards someone else 
relations way in which two things may be associated;  member of one's family ; sexual relations 
The following nouns take the preposition of after them. Use them in sentences:-
Abhorrence, assurance, charge, distrust, doubt, experience, failure, observance, proof,result, want.
Abhorrence Extreme aversion or detestation; the feeling of utter dislike or loathing;
assurance a declaration tending to inspire full confidence; that which is designed to give confidence; any written or other legal evidence of the conveyance of property
charge to place a burden upon, to assign a duty; to formally accuse of a crime; to add energy to; to attack by moving forward quickly; 
distrust to put no trust in 
doubt to lack confidence in; to disbelieve, suspect or question 
experience event(s) of which one is cognizant; activity which one has performed; collection of events and/or activities from which an individual or group may gather knowledge; 
failure state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, opposite of success
observance The practice of complying with a law, custom, command or rule; observation or the act of watching
proof Any effort, process, or operation designed to established or discover a fact or truth; using in proving or testing
result to come out; to proceed, spring, or rise, as a consequence
want desire, wish, longing
The following nouns take the preposition to after them. Use them in sentences:-
Access, accession, allegiance, alternative, antidote, antipathy, approach, assent,attachment, attention,
 concession, disgrace, dislike, encouragement, enmity, exception, incentive, indifference, invitation, key, leniency,
 likeness, limit, menace, obedience, objection, obstruction, opposition, postscript, preface, reference, repugnance,
resemblance, sequal, submission, succession, supplement, temptation, traitor.
access way or means of approaching; process of locating data in the memory; communication with a computer program or the internet
accession The act of coming to or reaching a throne, an office, or dignity; A mode of acquiring property; increase by something added
allegiance Loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler
alternative A situation which allows a choice between two or more possibilities 
antidote remedy to counteract a poison; something that counteracts
antipathy a feeling of dislike; repugnance; or distaste; natural contrariety or incompatibility 
appraoch  to come or go near, in place or time; to draw high; to advance nearer; to take a approaches to 
assent to agree to, give approval to 
attachment strong bonding towards or with; dependence, especially a strong one; file sent along with an email
attention mental focus; a state of alertness in the standing position 
concession The act of conceding, especially that of defeat; something, such as an argument, that is conceded or admitted to be wrong;
 the grant of some land to be used for a specified purpose; a contract to operate a small business as a subsidiary of a larger company, or within the premises of some institution;
disgrace condition of being out of favor; state of being dishonored; that which brings dishonor
dislike not to like something; to have a feeling of aversion or antipathy towards; to give a negative review
encouragement the act of encouraging; that which serves to incite, support, promote or advance, as favor, countenance, reward etc
enmity  The quality of being an enemy; hostile or unfriendly disposition
exception The act of exception or excluding; exclusion; an objection; an interruption in normal processing
incentive something that motivates, rouses, or encourages; a bonus or reward, often monetary, to work harder
indifference being in neutral equilibrium; having no preference; not caring
invitation ask for the presence or participation of someone or something; To request formally 
key device designed to open and close a lock; crucial step; scale of musical note; 
leniency quality of mercy or forgiveness, especially in the assignment of punishment as in a court case
likeness the state or quality of being like or alike; similitude; resemblance; similarity.
limit A restriction; a bound beyond which one may not go; value to which sequence converges; abstraction of this concept of limit
menace perceived threat or danger; act of threatening; annoying and bothersome person
obedience Willing to comply with the commands, instruction or orders of those in authority
objection act of objecting; statement expressing opposition; official protest raised in a court of law 
obstruction The act of obstructing; that which obstruct or impedes; To block or fill
opposition The action of opposing or of being in conflict
postscript an addendum to a letter, added after the author's signature. An addition to a story, play.
preface The beginning or introductory portion that comes before the main text of a document or book.
reference relationship; measurement one can compare to; information about a person; source; special sequence used to represent complex characters
repugnance extreme aversion, repulsion
resemblance The quality or state of resembling; likeness; similitude; similarity; probability ; verisimilitude;
sequal(sequel) any narrative that has a preceding narative of its own
submission The act of submitting; the things which has been submitted; combat sports
succession following in sequence; sequence arranged in order; pasing of royal power;
supplement supplement; extension to a document or publication; vitamin, herbal extract, or chemical compund
temptation something attractive, tempting or deductive; an inducement or enticement;
traitor one who violates his allegiance and betrays his/her country; a betrayer
The following nouns take the preposition from after them. Use them in sentences:-
Abstinence, cessation, deliverance, descent, digression, escape, exemption, inference,respite.
abstinence Practice of self-denial; delay of spending;
cessation A ceasing or discontinuance, for example of an action, whether temporary or final
deliverance Act of delivering, the state of being delivered, or something delivered; Extrication from danger, imprisonment
descent instance of descending; way down; sloping passage or incline; lineage or herediatary derivation; drop to lower status or condition 
digression A departure from the subject, course, or idea at hand; an exploration of a different or unrelated concern. 
escape to get free; to elude; to avoid capture; to elude observation; 
exemption state of being exempt; immunity; deduction from the normal amount of taxes
inference to conclude by reasoning or deduction, as from premises or evidence; 
respite brief interval of rest or relief; to delay or postpone
The following adjectives and participles take the preposition to after them. Use them insentences:-
(a) Abhorrent, acceptable, accessible, accustomed, addicted, adequate, adjacent,affectionate, agreeable, akin, alien, alive, amenable, analogous,
applicable, appropriate,beneficial, callous, common, comparable, condemned.
abhorrent inconsistent with; contrary or discordant; detestable or repugnant
acceptable capable, worthy or sure of being accepted
accessible easy of access or approach; of a person, approachable; obtainable; easily understood
accustomed familiar; inured to ; adapted to existing conditions
addicted devoted to something
adequate equal to some requirement; proportionate; or correspondent; fully sufficient; 
adjacent Lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring; bordering on; just before, after, or facing
affectionate having affection or warm regard; loving; fond
agreeable pleasing, either to the mind or sense; willing; ready to agree or consent
akin of same kin; related by blood; of the same kind; similar
alien an animal, person, plant, or other thing which is from outside the family, group, organization or territory under consideration
on excluded from certain privileges; one alienated or estraged;
alive having life; in a state of action; exhibiting the activity and motion of many living beings
amenable willing ot respond to persuasion or suggestions; willing to comply with; agreeable.
analogous like, similar, correspoinding to something else; bearing some resemblance or proportion;
applicable suitable for application; relevant
appropriate peculiar, suitable, fit, proper, suitable to social situation 
beneficial helpful or good to something or someone
callous emotionally hardened; unfeeling and indifferent to the suffering/feelings of others
common mutual good; shared by more than one; 
comparable able to be compared
condemned having received a curse to be doomed to suffer eternally; having been sharply scolded; Officially marked uninhabitable
(b) Conducive, conformable, congenial, consecrated, contrary, creditable, deaf,derogatory, detrimental, devoted, disastrous,
due, entitled, equal, essential, exposed,faithful, fatal, foreign, hostile, impertinent, incidental, in clined.
conducive tending to contribute to, encourage, or bring about some result
conformable having the same shape, very similar
congenial having the same or very similar nature, personality, tastes, habbits or interest
consecrated To declare, or otherwise make something holy
contrary opposed in nature; strongly dissimilar
creditable credible or believable; that brings credit or honour; respectable;
deaf unable to hear; or only partially able to hear; unwilling to listen or be persuaded; 
derogatory tending to derogate, or lessen in value of someone; expressing derogation; detracting; injurious; legal clause 
detrimental causing damage or harm; Smoking tobacco can be detrimental to your health 
devoted to commit oneself for a certaion matter
disastrous unexpected catastrophe causing physical damage; unforeseen event causing great loss
due owed or owing, to be paid by the stated time; appropriate; of an event, scheduled, expected; having reached the expected, scheduled, or natural time;
of public transport, supposed to arrive at the stated time; of a pregment woman, due to give birth on the stated date
entitled Convinced of one's own righteousness, justifiability of one's or right to have something, especially wrongly so; demanding and pretentious.
equal The same in all respects; exactly identical; fair, impartial, sufficiently capable; intended for voice of one kind only, either all male or all female.
essential necessary; of high importance; needing to be ingested; in basic form 
exposed to reveal, uncover, make visible, bring to the light, introduce to; to subject photographic film to light; to submit to an active substance. 
faithful loyal; adhering firmly to person or cause; having faith; reliable; worthy of trust; consistent with reality;
fatal proceeding from fate; foreboding death; causing death;
foreign  located outside one's own country or place; relating to different nation; alien, strange;
oraginating from or charachteristic of a different country;
hostile belonging or appropriate to an enemy; antagonistic; an enemy 
impertinent insolent, ill-mannered; irrelevant
incidental loosely associated; existing as a byproduct, tangent, or accident; being a likely consequence; occuring by chance; entering or approaching, prior to reflection
inclined slanted, sloped; having a tencency, preference, likelihood, or disposition
Indebted, indifferent, indispensable, indulgent, inimical, insensible, injured, irrelevant,favourable, hurtful, immaterial, impervious, indigenous,
 liable, limited, lost, loyal,material, natural, necessary
indebted obligated to someone
indifferent note caring; mediocre, usually used negatively; having no preference or bias, being impartial; not significant; being in netural equilibrium
indispensable not subject to release or exemptoin; absolutely necessary or requisite; that one cannot do without
indulgent to yield to a temptation; to satisfy the wishes or whims of ; to grant extension to payment
inimical harmful, hostile, unfriendly;
insensible unable to be perceived by the sense; incapable of emotional feeling 
injured to wound or cause physical harm; to cause damage or impair; to do injustice to 
irrelevant not related, not applicable, unimportant, not connected 
favourable pleaseing, encouraging or approving; useful; opportune; auspicious
hurtful tending to impair or damage; tending ot hurt someone's feelings
immaterial Having no matter or substance; so insubstantial as to be irrelevant, irrelevant
impervious unaffected or unable to be affected by; preventative of any penetration; impenetrable, impermeable; immune to damage or effect;
indigenous borned or engendered in, native to a land or region; innate, inborn
liable responsible; exposed to a certaion contingency 
limited with certaion limit placed upon it; 
lost unable to find one's way; in an unkown location; not perceptible to the senses; no longer visible
loyal firm in allegiance to a person or institution; faithful to a person or cause; having or demonstrating undivided and constant support for someone or something
material related to matter, worldly, significant; matter, text, sample or specimens for study, cloth, person
natural related to nature; without addatives; as expected; musically not sharp or flat; someone with innate ability 
necessary required, essential, whether logically inescapable or needed in order to achieve a desired result or avoid some penalty; 
Obedient, obliged, offensive, opposite, painful, partial, peculiar, pertinent, pledged,preferable, prejudicial, prior, profitable, prone,
reduced, related, relevant, repugnant,responsible, restricted, sacred, sensitive, serviceable, subject, suitable, suited,supplementary,
 tantamount, true
Obdient Willing to comply with commands 
obliged under an obligation to do something for someone;indebted because of a favor done
offensive causing offense; relating to attack, offense; an attack, posture of attack 
opposite located directly across from; facing the other way; of complementary or mutually exclusive things
painful suffering with pain; causing pain; requiring labor or toil; industrious
partial existing as a part or portion; incomplete; biased in favor of a person, side, or point of view 
peculiar out of the ordinary; common or usual for a particular place or circumstance 
pertinent important with regard to; relevant
pledged to make a solemn promise; to deposit something as a security; to give assurance of friendship by the act of drinking; to drink to one's heath 
preferable better than some other option
prejudicial exhibiting prejudice or bias; causing harm or injury; determined, harmful or injurious 
prior former; of that which come before, in advance; a high-ranking member of a monastery, usually lower in rank than a abbot;
a previous criminal offense on someone's record;
profitable total income or cash flow minus expenditures 
prone lying face downward; prostrate; inclined, sloped; shooting from lying down position; predisposed
reduced made smaller, less; lowered in price; of a sauce, made more concentrated;
related standing in relation or connection; being a relative of; narrated; told
relevant directly related, connected, or pertinent to a topic; not out of date
repugnant Offensive or repulsive; arousing disgust or aversion; opposed or in conflict 
responsible answerable for an performed or for its consequences; able to answer reasonably for one's conduct; involving a degree of personal accountability
being a primary cause or agent of some event or action; able to be trusted;
restricted limited within bounds; available only to certaion authorized groups of people; one of the classifications of the secrecy of an official documents 
scared afraid, frightened 
sensitive having the faculty of sensation; responsive to stimuli; capable of offending, upsetting or hurting; accurate
serviceable easy to service; repairable instead of disposable; in condition for use;
subject likely to be affected by something; placed under the power of another
suitable Having the sufficient or the required properties for a certaion purpose or task; appropriate to a certaion occasion
suited suit of clothes; single garment that covers the whole body; full set of armour; pursuit of love interest; full set of sails 
supplementary  something additional;  an extra; added to supply what is wanted
tantamount equivalent in meaning or effect or value 
TRUE conforming to the actual state of reality or fact; factualy correct; loayal, faithful;genuine; legitimate
The following adjectives and participles take the preposition in after them. Use them in sentences:-
Absorbed, abstemious, accomplished, accurate, assiduous, backward, bigoted, correct,defective, deficient, experienced, diligent, enveloped,
fertile, foiled,- honest, implicated,interested, involved, lax, proficient, remiss, temperate, versed.
absorbed fully occupied with one's thoughts; engrossed; taken in by a body without reflection; taken by through the pores of a surface
abstemious abstaining from wine; sparing in diet; sparingly used; used with temperance or moderation; marked by 
accomplished completed; finished successfully; to execute fully; to obtaion
accurate in exact or careful conformity to truth; free from failure, error or defect; deviating only slightly or within acceptable limits.
assiduous hard-working, diligent or regular; industrious 
backward of direction towards the back; reluctance to advance; undeveloped; of an outdated value
bigoted one obstinately or intolerantly devoted to their own openions or prejudices
one strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, politics, etc and intolerant of those who differ;
correct free from error; with good manners 
defective having one or more defects; having only some forms 
deficient lacking something essential; insufficient or inadequate in amount
experienced Having experience and skill in a subject; experient 
diligent performing with intense concentration, focus, responsible regard
enveloped to surround or enclose 
fertile capable of growing abundant crops; cabable of reproducing; cabable of developing past the egg state; productive or prolific
foiled thin sheet of metal; type of sword used in fencing; character who helps emphasise the traits of the main character 
honest scrupulous with regard to telling the truth; of a statement: true, fair, unbiased; in good faith, without malice; earned or acquired in a fair manner
implicated to connect or involve; to have as a necessary circumstance; to interwine 
interested The price paid for obtaining, or price receives for providing, money or goods in a credit transaction, calculated as a fraction of the amount or value:
A great attention and concern from someone or something; intellectual curicosity;  attention that is given to or received from someone or something
involved associated with others, be or be made a participant; having an affair with someone;
lax not strict; lenient; allowing for deviation; loose; not thight or taut; lacking care; diarrheal
proficient skilled, expert; good at something; skilled; fluent; practiced, especially in relation to a task or skill; 
remiss at fault; failing to fulfill responsibility, duty, or obligations; 
temperate moderate; not excessive heat; climate; not marked with passion; moderate in the indulgence of the natural appetites or passions
versed knowledgeable or skilled, either through study or experience; familiar; practiced
The following adjectives and participles take the preposition with after them. Use them in sentences:-
Acquainted, afficted, beset, busy, compatible, complaint, consistent, contemporary,contented, contrasted, conversant, convulsed, delighted,
deluged, disgusted, drenched,endowed, fatigued, fired, gifted., infaturated, infected, infested, inspired, intimate,invested, overcome, popular, replete, satiated, satisfied, touched.
acquainted To furnish or give experimental knowledge of; to communicate notice to; to familiarize; to accustom
beset to surround or hem in; to attack, especially from all sides; to decorate something with jewels, etc; get trapped by ice
busy crowded with business or activities; doing a great deal; engaged; complicated;
compatible capable of easy interaction; able to get along well; consistent; congruous
complaint grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern; the act of complaining; in a civil action, the first pleading of the plaintiff;
 preliminary charge or accusation made by one person against another; bodily disorder or diseases; 
consistent Of a regularly occurring, dependable nature; compatible, accordant; not logically contradictory 
contemporary from the same time period, coexistent in time; modern, of the present age; relatively recent; 
contented satisfied 
contrasted set in contrast; displaying or marked by contrast; contrasty
conversant closely familiar; current; having frequent interaction; familiar or aquainted by use or study; well-informed;concerned, occupied;
convulsed to violently shake or agitate; to create great laughter; 
delighted greatly pleased; filled with wonder and delight
deluged a great flood; an overwhelming amount of something 
disgusted to cause an intense dislike for something
drenched completely wet, sodden
endowed pertaining to an endownment, as with an endowed chair at a university
fatigued Tired, weary
fired oxidation reaction; something that has produced or is capable of producing this chemical reaction; one of the basic elements;
occurrence of the basic elements
gifted endowed with special, in particular intellectual , abilities 
infaturated be inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for
infected an uncontrolled growth of harmful microorganism in a host
infested to inhabit a place in unpleasantly large number; to invade a host plant or animal
inspired having excellence through inspiration; filled with inspiration or motivated
intimate closely acquainted; familiar; of or involved in a sexual relationship; personal, private
invested to spend money, time, effort into sth; to ceremonially install into office; to clothe or wrap with garments; to make investment;
to envelop, wrap, cover
overcome surmount, get the better of; to win or prevail in some sort of battle, contest etc. to overwhelm with emotions
popular of or pertaining to the common people; aimed at the general public; liked by many pepole 
replete abounding; filled to bursting; to restore something that has been depleted
satiated pleasantly satisfied or full, as with food;
satisfied to meet need; to fulfill
touched  emotionally moved, made to feel emotion; slightly mentally deficient; touched in the head;
The following adjectives and participles take the preposition of after them. Use them in sentences:-
Accused, acquitted, afraid, apprehensive, apprised, assured, aware, bereft, bought,cautious, certain, characteristic, composed, confident,
conscious, convicted, convinced,covetous, defrauded, deprived, desirous, destitute, devoid, diffident, distrustful, dull,easy, envious, fearful,
fond, greedy, guilty, heedless, ignorant, informed, innocent,irrespective, lame, lavish, negligent, productive, proud, regardless, sanguine,
sensible,sick, slow, subversive, sure, suspicious, tolerant, vain, void, weary, worthy.
accused attribute to blame someone
acquitted to declare not guilty, innocent; to discharge from an obligation; to pay or atone for; to clear oneself; to release, rescue; to perform one's part
afraid impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive; colloquially, express sorrow
apprehensive anticipating something with anxiety or fear; perceptive; quick to learn; intelligent; capable of grasping with the mind or intellect
apprised to notify, or to make aware; to inform 
assured to make sure and secure; to give someone confidence in the trustworthiness of something; to reassure;
aware vigilant, on one's guard; having knowledge of something
bereft pained by the loss of someone; deprived of 
bought to obtain something with money; to accept as true; 
cautious careful; using or exercising caution; tentative
certain sure, positive; not doubting; not specifically named, indeterminate, indefinite
characteristic being a distinguishing feature of a person or thing
composed calmness of mind or matter, self-possession; orderly adjustment; disposition; combination, a union; a bond;
confident being very sure of or positive about something; self-confident 
conscious alert, awake, aware; aware of one's own existence
convicted to find guilty; to find guilty informally, notably morally
convinced to make someone believe, or feel sure about something
covetous inordinately desirous; excessively eager to obtain and posses( especially money); avaricious
defrauded to obtain money or property by fraud
deprived take something away; deny someone of something
desirous feeling desire; eagerly wishing; solicitous; eager to obtain; covetous
destitute lacing something; devoid; expecially lacking money; poor, impoverished, poverty-stricken
devoid  empty; having none of; completely without
deffident modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence
distrustful marked by distrust; doubtful; suspicious
dull lacking the ability to cut easily; not sharp; boring; not shiny; not bright or intelligent; sluggish;listless; cloudy, overcast
easy requiring little skill or effort; consenting readily to sex; comfortable; not difficult not hard; in a relaxed or causal manner
envious resentful desire of something possessed by another ; to feel displeasure towards someone because of their good fortuene, possessions
fearful frightening; filled with terror; tending to fear; terrible 
fond having a liking or affection for; indulgent; outlandish
greedy selfish or excessive desire for more than is needed or deserved, especially of money, weath, food, or other possessions
guilty  responsible for a dishonest act; judged to have committed a crime; having a sense of guilt; blameworthy 
heedless unware, without noticing;  sing we joyous, all together, heaedless of the wind and weather
ignorant the condistion of being uninformed or uneducated. Lack of knowledge or informance
informed to communicate knowledge to ; to impart information or knowledge; to make known, denounce
innocent pure, free from sin, untainted; not legally responsible for a wrongful act; naĂŻve, artless; harmless in intent
irrespective heedless; regardless; without regard for conditions, circumstances, or consequences; unbaised; independent; impartial;
lame unable to walk properly because of a problems with one's feet or legs; moving with difficulty; by extension, hobbling; failing to be cool, funny, interesting or relevant
lavish expending or bestowing profusely; profuse; prodigal; excessive; superabundant;
negligent careless, without appropriate or sufficient attention; culpable due to negligence
productive capable of producing something, especially in abundance; fertile; yielding good or useful results; constructive; producing mucus or sputum; producing new tissue
proud gratified, feeling honoured, feeling satisfied; possessed of a due sense of what one is worth or deserves; generating a sense of pride
sanguine having the colour of blood; red; having the bodily constitution characterised by a preponderance of blood over the other bodily humours;
characterized by abundance and active circulation of blood; anticipating the best
sensible perceptible by the mind; easily perceived, appreciable; able to feel or perceive; aware of something; acting with or whowing good judgement;
characterised more by usefulness than by fashionableness
sick ill, mentally unstable, disturbed, in bad taste
slow not quick in motion; spread over a comparatively long time; of reduced intellectual capacity; behind the time; lacking in promptness; acting with deliberation
subversive to overturn from the foundation; to overthrow; to pervert the mind and turn it from the truth; to corrupt; to upturn the convention by undermining it;
sure certaion, reliable; certain in one's knowledge of belief; certaion to act or be; 
suspicious arousing suspicion; distrustful; expressing suspicion
tolerant tending to permit; allow, understand, or accept something; tending to withstand or survive;
vain overly proud of oneself, especially concerning appearance; having a high opinion of one's own accomplishments with slight reason.
Having no real substance, value, or importance; empty; void; worthless; unstaisfying; ostentatious; futile 
void containing nothing; unoccupied; being without; not producing any effect; vain; having lost all legal validity;
containing no immaterial quality; not returning value;
weary  tired, fatigued; having one's patience exhausted; sick; expressive of fatigue
worthy  having worth, merit or value; honourable or admireable; deserving, or having suficient worth;
The following adjectives and participles take the preposition for after them. Use them in sentences:-
Anxious, celebrated, conspicuous, customary, designed, destined, eager, eligible, eminent, fit, good, grateful, notorious,
 penitent, prepared, proper, qualified, ready, sorry,sufficient, useful, zealous
anxious nervous or worried, full of anxiety, 
celebrated extol or honour in a solemn manner; honour by rites, ceremonies, ; to engage in joyful activity in appreciation of an event
conspicuous obvious or easy to notice; noticeable or attracting attention, especially if unattractive; 
customary a book containing laws and usages, or customs; agreeing with or established by custom; holding or held by custom
designed a plan for the structure and functions of an artifact, building or system.
destined preordian; to assign something for a particular use; to have a particular destination; confined to a predetermined fate or destiny; certaion
eager excited by desire in the persuit of any object 
eligible meeting the necessary requirements to participate; worthy of being chosen
eminent remarkable, great, of a person: distinguised, noteworthy 
fit sutable, proper, in good shape.
good useful for a particular purpose
grateful showing gratitude; recognizing the importance of a source of pleasure 
notorious widely known, especially for something bad;infamous
penitent Feeling pain or sorrow on account of sins or offenses; repentant; contrite; 
prepared to make ready for a specific future purpose; 
proper fit; suitable; suited or acceptable to the purpose or circumstances; Following the established standards of behavior or manners; correct or decorous
qualified meeting the standards, requirement, and training for a position 
ready prepared for immediate action or use; inclined, apt to happen; 
sorry  regretful for an action or grieved; poor, regrettable
sufficient adequate to wants; enough; ample; competent; possessing adequate talents or accomplishments; of competent power or ability; 
useful having a practical or beneficial use
zealous Full of zeal; ardent, fervent; exhibiting enthusiasm or strong passion
Exercise in Composition 81
The following verbs take the preposition to after them. Use them in sentences:-
Accede, adapt, adhere, allot, allude, apologize, appoint, ascribe, aspire, assent, attain,attend, attribute, belong, conduce, conform, consent,
contribute, lead, listen, object,occur, prefer, pretend, refer, revert, stoop, succumb, surrender, testify, yield
accede to approach; to enter upon an office or dignity; to join a group; to agree to a proposal or view
adapt to change to make oneself suitable; 
adhere to stick fast or cleave; to hold, be attached, or devoted; to be consistent or coherent; to be in accordance; to agree
allot to distribute; to assign 
allude refer to something indirectly or by suggestion
apologize to express regret; apology or defense or excuse
appoint to fix with power or firmness; to fix the time and place of; to provide with everything necessary
ascribe attribute a cause of characteristic to someone or something; 
aspire to hope or dream;  especially to hope or work towards a profession or occupation; to rise, to ascend; to tower; to soar
assent to agree; to give approval; to admit a thing as true;
attain to accomplish; to achieve
attend to be at an event; to give attention to; 
attribute characteristic or quality; word qualifying a noun; that which is predicated or affirmed of a subject
belong to have its proper place; to be accepted in a group; to be a part of a group;
conduce to contribute or lead to a specific result
conform to act in accordance with expectations; behave in the manner of others; to be in accordance with a set of specifications 
consent to express willingness, to give permission; to cause to sign a consent 
contribute to give something, that is or becomes part of a larger whole
lead  guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection; to go first
listen to hear; to pay attention to a sound
object thing, the goal, end or purpose of something; in grammer person or thing to which emotion is directed
occur to happen or take place; to present or offer; to come or be presented to the mind; to be present or found
prefer to favor
pretend to allege falsely; to lay claim to; to make oneself apper to do something
refer to direct to a source for help or informaiton; 
revert to turn back, or to the contrary; to reverse; to return to a former practice, condition, belief, etc. 
stoop to bend the upper part of the body forward and downward; to lower oneself; to demaen or do something below one's status, standards, or morals
succumb to yield to an overpowering force or overwhelming desire; to give up, or give in;
surrender to give up oneself  into the power, control, or possession of another; intransitive or reflexive;
testify to make a declaration, or give evidence, under oath; to make a statement based on personal knowledge or faith. 
yield to give way; to give as required; to produce as return; to produce as a result
Exercise in Composition 82
The following verbs take the preposition from after them. Use them in sentences:-
Abstain, alight, cease, debar, derive, derogate, desist, detract, deviate, differ, digress,dissent, elicit, emerge, escape, exclude, preserve, prevent,
 prohibit, protect, recoil,recover, refrain.
abstain to hold oneself back; refrain from; refrain from voting; hinder, withhold
alight to make light or less heavy; to get off or exit a ehicle or animal; to find by accident; to switched on
cease to stop doing something; to fail; to pass away; to be wanting; 
debar To prohibit a person or company that has been convicted of criminal acts in connection with a government program from future participation in that program.
derive obtain something from something else; deduce by reasoning; create from another by means of a reaction; originate;
derogate to partially repeal; to detract from something; to belittle; disparage; 
desist to cease to proceed or act; to stop; to forbear;
detract To take away; to withdraw or remove; to take credit or reputation from; to defame or decry
deviate to change course; to change plans; to fall outside of, or part from, some norm; to stray
differ not to have same traits and characteristics; To have diverging opinions, disagree
digress to deviate; to step or turn aside; to swerve; to transgress;
dissent to disagree; disagreement with the ideas, doctrines, decrees, etc of a political party, government or religion;
elicit to evoke, educe; to draw out, bring out; to use logic to arrive at truth;
emerge to come into view; to come out of; to become known;
escape to get free; to elude; to avoid capture; to elude observation;
exclude to bar from entering; keep out; to expel, put out; to refuse to accept as valid
preserve to protect; to keep from harm or injury; to save from decay by the use of some preservative substances, such as a sugar  or salt; to season and prepare for storage; 
prevent to stop; to keep from happening;
prohibit to forbid, disallow, or proscribe officially; to make illegal or illicit;
protect to keep safe; to defend; to guard; to prevent harm coming to 
recoil to pull back, especially in disgust, horror, or astonishment; to jerk back, to kick back as a firearm
recover to get back, regaion; to get better, regaion health; 
Exercise in Composition 83
The following verbs take the preposition with after them. Use them in sentences:-
Associate, bear, clash, coincide, comply, condole, cope, correspond, credit, deluge,disagree, dispense, expostulate, fill, grapple, intrigue, meddle,
 part, quarrel, remonstrate,side, sympathize, trifle, vie.
associate joined with others and having equal or near equal status; having partial satus or privileges; partner; cowrker; comapnion; comrade
bear large mammal of vamily Ursidae; large hairy man; investor who sells in anticipation of falling prices; characterized by falling prices; to suffer, as in carrying a burden; to sustaion;
clash loud sound; skirmish; opposition; contradiction;
coincide to occupy exactly the same space; to occur at the same time; to correspond, concur, or agree
comply to yield assent; to be ceremoniously courteous; to fulfill; to enfold; 
condole to grieve; to express sympathetic sorrow, to lament; 
cope to deal effectively with something difficult; to form a joint; to clip the beak or talons of a bird
corespond To be equivalent or similar in character, quantity, quality, orign, structure, function etc
To exchange messages, especially by postal letter, over a period of time. 
credit to believe; to add to an account; to acknowledge a contribution
deluge a great flood; an overwhelming amount of something; to flood with water; to overwhelm
disagree not harmonize; not correspond; not suit
dispense to issue, distribute, or put out; to supply or make up a medicine or prescription; to eliminate or do without;
expostulate to protest
fill occupy fully, take up all of; satisfy, obey; sufficient or more than sufficient amount; 
grapple to seize and hold frimly; to ponder and intensely evaluate a problem; to wrestle or struggle
intrigue plot or scheme; to plan; to arouse interest;
meddle to mix with other substance; to have sex; to interfere in affairs; 
part faction of a whole; group inside a larger group; position or role; section of a document; 
quarrel verbal dispute or heated argument; complaint; to contend, argue srongly, squabble;
remonstrate to object or protest; to lodge an official objection; to prove;
side bounding straight edge of an object; flat surface of an object; left or fight half; 
sympathize A feeling of pity or sorrow for the suffering or distress of another; ability to share the feelings of another; emapthy 
trifle To deal with something as if it were of little importance or worth; to act, speak, or otherwise behave with jest; 
vie To rival; to struggle for superiority; to complete; 
Exercise in Composition 84
The following verbs take the preposition of after them. Use them in sentences:-
Acquit, beware, boast, complain, despair, die, disapprove, dispose, divest, dream, heal,judge, repent, taste.
acquit To declare or find not guilty; innocent; to clear oneself; to discharge from an obligation;
beware use caution, pay attention
boast To brag; to talk loudly in praise of oneself; to speak of with pride, vanity, or exultation, with a view to self-commendation; to extol;
complain To express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment; to make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge;
despair to despair of; to cause to despair ; to be hopeless
die to stop leaving; to become spiritually dead; to break down; to cease to exist;
disapprove to condemn; to refuse to approve; to have or express unfavorable opinion
dispose to get rid of something; to distribute and put in place; 
divest to undress, disrobe; to strip, deprive, or dispossess of something; to sell of obe rid of through sale especially of a subsidiary;
dream imaginary evens seen while sleeping; hope or wish; visionary schems
heal to make better from a disease, wound, etc; to revive or cure; to free from guilt;
judge someone deciding another's fate; sports official; someone with valued opinions; to sit in judgement on, pass sentence on; to form an opinion on;
repent to feel sorrwo or regret for what one has done or omitted to do; to feel sorry for , to regret;
taste to sample the flavor of something orally; to experience;  implicit set of preferences
Exercise in Composition 85
The following verbs take the prepositions for after them. Use them in sentences:-
Atone, canvass, care, clamour, feel, hope, mourn, pine, start, stipulate, sue, wish, yearn.
atone to make reparation, compensation, or amends, for an offence or a crime or a sin one has commited; to clear someone else of wrongdoing
canvass to solicit voters; to conduct survey; to campaign; to examine thoroughly; to examine by discussion
care close attention, concern or responsibility; worry ; maintenance, upkeep; treatment of those in need
clamour to salute loudly; to stun with noise; to repeat the strokes quickly on so as to produce a loud clang;
feel  to sense by touch; to experience an emotion or other mental state about; 
hope to want something to happen, with a sense of expectation that it might; to be optimistic; be full of hope;
mourn  to express sadness for, grieve over;
pine any coniferous tree of the genus pinus; to feel irritated; to reflect on a problem, to think something over
start beginning of an activity; sudden involuntary movement; 
stipulate to require as a condition of a contract or agreement; to specify, promise or guarantee something in an agreement; to acknowledge the truth of
sue To file a legal action against someone, generally a non-criminal action
wish  want, desire, to hope for an outcome; to bestow a thought
yearn To have a strong desire; too long; to long for something in the past with melancholy; 
Exercise in Composition 86
The following verbs take the preposition in after them. Use them in sentences:-
Acquiesce, dabble, delight, employ, enlist, excel, fall, glory, increase, indulge, involve,persevere, persist.
acquiesce with in; to rest satisfied, or apparently satisfied, or to rest without opposition and discount; to concur upon conviction;
dabble To partially wet( something) by splashing or dipping; To participate or have an interest in an activity, but in a casual or superficial way;
delight joy; pleasure
employ to give someone work; to put into use
enlist to enter on a list; to join a cause or organization; to recruit or to obtaion; to secure;
excel to surpass someone or something; to be much better than others; 
fall act of moving in a gas or vacuum under the effect of gravity from a point to a lower point; season; loss of greatness of status;
glory  Honour, admiration, or distinction, accorded by common consent to a person or thing; high reputation; renown;great beauty or splendour;
 honour and valour; worship or praise; to exult with joy; to rejoice; to be proud; to boast;
increase become larger, make larger, increased amount; act of becoming larger;
indulge to yield to a temptation or desire; to satisfy the wishes or whims of ; to grant extension to the deadline of a  payment; 
involve to roll; to envelop completely ; to complicate or make intricate; to engage thoroughly; to raise to any assigned power
perservere to go on stubbornly or resolutely; to repeat an utterance; to continue to exist;  to persist steadfastly in pursuit of an
undertaking, task, journey, or goal, even if hindered by distraction, difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement;
persist go on stubbornly or resolutely; continue to exist
Exercise in Composition 87
The following verbs take the preposition on after them. Use them in sentences:-
Comment, decide, deliberate, depend, determine, dwell, embark, encroach, enlarge,impose, insist, intrude, resolve, subsist, trample.
comment to remark
decide to resolve; to choose, to determine, or  to settle; to make up one's mind
deliberate done on purpose; intentional; carefully considering the probable consequences of a step;
depend hang down; be pending; rely on support; trust; serve
determine to set the boundaries or limits of ; to figure out; to ascertaion definitely; to bring to an end;
dwell A period of time in which a system or component remains in a given state; a planned delay in a timed control program
to live; to reside; to linger a particular thought, idea etc;
embark To get on a boat or ship or an aeroplane; to engage, enlist, or invest in any affair;
encroach to intrude unrightfully on someone else's rights or territory; to advance gradually beyond due limits; 
enlarge to make larger; to increase the capacity of; to expand; to give scope or greater scope to;
impose to establish or apply by authority; to be an inconvenience; to enforce; compel to behave in a certain way; 
insist to hold up a claim empatically; to demand that something be done; 
intrude to thrust oneself in ; to come or enter without invitation, permission, or welcome; to encroach; to trespass
resolve To find a solution to; to make clear or certain; to make a firm decision; to come to an agree; to melt; to dissolve; 
subsist to survive on a minimum of resources; to retain a certaion state; 
trample to crush something by walking on it; to treat someone harshly; to walk heavely and destructively; th esound of heavy footsteps 


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